Metadata Specifications

Metadata Specifications #

1. Policy Statement #

  • Scholars Portal requires thorough, well-structured metadata in order to preserve the content, relationships, activities and logical structure of the content object.

2. Implementation #

  • Scholars Portal uses a structural metadata scheme based on a simplified METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Specification) profile as a robust and flexible way to structurally define the content object. It serves as a container for all of the metadata about the object.
  • Within this container, Scholars Portal uses the PREMIS (Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategy) vocabulary. PREMIS’s data dictionary provides ways of describing objects and processes that are necessary for digital preservation. Scholars Portal makes use of the objects, events and rights entities described in the PREMIS Data Model.
  • In the case of journals, Scholars Portal uses the NIH Journal & Archive Tag Set 1 to provide descriptive metadata. Scholars Portal normalizes the publisher provided descriptive metadata and structural relationships to a version of the NLM Journal Archiving & Interchange Tag set.

References #

  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (2010). Archiving and Interchange Tag Set. NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite. Retrieved from

Supporting Documents #

Review Cycle #
