Workflow Charts

Workflow Charts #

Please see the charts below for models of SP’s automated workflow.

  1. Ingest Process Overview - the highest level diagram showing the different aspects of the digital object’s journey, from the time it is ingested into the repository until the time it is made accessible to the designated community, abstracting out the detail.
  2. Pull Script Detail - diagram detailing the process of SP’s unique script pulling in publisher content and saving it to an ejournals FTP in SP’s Isilon.
  3. Prepare Dataset Detail - diagram showing the process in which datasets are decompressed.
  4. Move Event Detail - diagram showing the process of moving datasets to a specific publisher location in Isilon.
  5. Ejournals Database Loader - diagram that shows SP’s normalization process of publisher files and their placement in the Ejournals searchable database.
  6. Manual Log File Check - diagram showing the manual check of the log file for errors during the conversion and insertion of each dataset into the Ejournals database.
  7. TDR Database Loader Detail - diagram showing the process of preservation metadata creation for each file.
  8. AIP to DIP Detail - diagram showing the relationship between the AIP and the DIP.

Scholars Portal workflow process models:

  1. SP Ingest Process Overview
  2. Pull Script Detail
  3. Prepare Datasets Detail
  4. Move Event Detail
  5. Ejournals Database Loader Detail
  6. Manual Log File Check
  7. TDR Database Loader Detail
  8. AIP to DIP Detail

Review Cycle #
