3.2 Organizational Structure and Staffing #
3.2.1 - The repository shall have identified and established the duties that it needs to perform and shall have appointed staff with adequate skills and experience to fulfil these duties. #
Response #
SP has identified the major duties within its preservation operations, and has organized them into seven operational areas, as described in the SP Roles & Responsibilities document. Staff are assigned to these duties at a staffing level appropriate to the nature & scope of each project. These staff are subject to regular evaluations to ensure they meet the requirements of the role, and are provided with opportunities for professional development.
Please see,, and
Responsibility #
- SP Director
- Digital Preservation Librarian
Documents # - The repository shall have identified and established the duties that it needs to perform. #
Response #
SP has identified the major duties within its preservation operations, and has organized them into seven operational areas, as described in the SP Roles & Responsibilities document. These operational areas are:
- Governance
- Consortial Administration
- Legal/Rights Management
- Repository Administration
- Ingest
- Data Management
- Access/Client Services
The SP Roles & Responsibilities document lists these duties and identifies the responsible staff roles.
Risks #
The primary risk associated with this item is the potential for SP to have not identified important roles within the preservation operations of the organization. Due to the relatively small size of the operation, this risk is minimal.
Responsibility #
- SP Director
- Digital Preservation Librarian
Documents # - The repository shall have the appropriate number of staff to support all functions and services. #
Response #
SP has an appropriate number of staff to maintain and develop the repository. In general, SP retains staff on a contract basis, assigned to specific projects. This gives SP considerable flexibility to adapt staffing levels to changing requirements and commitments. All SP staff are subject to regular performance evaluations to ensure staff effectiveness and suitability to the operations of the organization.
Risks #
Loss of funding, whether through cuts or freezes, can make it difficult for SP to add or replace staff. SP has assessed the risk of loss of funding and implemented risk-minimization strategies. Please see the Risk Analysis and Management Strategies document for more information.
Responsibility #
- OCUL Executive Director
- OCUL Directors
- SP Director
Documents # - The repository shall have in place an active professional development program that provides staff with skills and expertise development opportunities. #
Response #
SP supports the development of its staff, both in the areas of skill acquisition and professional involvement. To address these ongoing needs, SP has a recurring line item in its budget for professional development. In addition, all staff members who are in the UTFA collective bargaining unit receive annual professional development funding granted by the University of Toronto.
Risks #
Loss of funding, whether through cuts or freezes, can make it difficult for SP to maintain staff development programs. SP has assessed the risk of loss of funding and implemented risk-minimization strategies. Please see the Risk Analysis and Management Strategies document for more information.
Responsibility #
- OCUL Executive Director
- OCUL Directors
- SP Director