4.5 Information Management #
4.5.1 - The repository shall specify minimum information requirements to enable the Designated Community to discover and identify material of interest. #
Response #
SP’s Designated Community should be able to discover and identify specific objects easily within the repository. For this reason, each Provider agreement specifies minimum metadata requirements to be included in the SIP, based on the needs and expectations of the Designated Community.
Content Note - Journals #
After ingest, all descriptive metadata stored in the ejournals database is indexed, and searchable by the Designated Community. In addition to search, SP provides interface functionality to allow users to browse by journal title and volume/issue.
Responsibility #
- Digital Preservation Librarian
- Metadata Librarian
Documents #
4.5.2 - The repository shall capture or create minimum descriptive information for each AIP. #
Response #
SP preserves the Descriptive Information supplied by the Provider at the time of deposit for each Content Data Object. The repository then captures selected Descriptive Information within the preservation metadata of each AIP, as well as generates new Descriptive Information.
Responsibility #
- Digital Preservation Librarian
- Metadata Librarian
Documents #
4.5.3 - The repository shall create bi-directional linkages between each AIP and its descriptive information. #
Response #
At the core of every SP AIP is the preservation metadata which contains a version of the CDO’s Descriptive Information. A unique URI is used to locate the preservation metadata in the TDR database, the same URI can also be used to retrieve the full Descriptive Information of the AIP located in the database.
Responsibility #
- Digital Preservation Librarian
- Metadata Librarian
Documents # - The repository shall maintain the bi-directional associations between its AIPs and their descriptive information over time. #
Response #
SP’s bi-directional associations between its AIPs and their Descriptive Information are linked through identical URIs. These URIs remain the same throughout the AIP’s life, unless the AIP is replaced or reloaded, in which case the URI change is performed systematically and recorded in the preservation metadata.
The relationship between the CI and the Descriptive Information cannot be broken as both are part of the same file.
Responsibility #
- Digital Preservation Librarian
- Metadata Librarian